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quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010

O Homem criou Deus ?

A religião naturalista está por todo lado e com grandes campanhas de evangelização, vejam mais uma musiquinha destes crentes darwinistas, para explicar porque as abelhas não vão para o céu:

Ainda dizem que darwinismo/naturalismo/ateísmo não são religiões...

Letra da música "Why Don’t Bees Go to Heaven?":

it seems to me the species Homo sapiens,
carries the chutzpah* gene
to think they are the purpose of the universe
when they only just arrived on the scene

what’s even worse, they bear a curse
of believing they’re the only form of life
to never die, and go on living
somewhere high up in the sky

so why don’t bees go to heaven?
and trees go to heaven?
amoeba, krill and fleas go to heaven?
it’s not surprisin’ that they’re not arisin’
‘cause man created god

this grain of sand upon an infinite beach
had been supporting life for trillions of spins
then along came humans, who started assumin’
that this was where it begins
so profoundly naïve, they began to believe
these primates were the only ones
to never die, and go on living
somewhere high up in the sky

so why don’t worms go to heaven?
and germs go to heaven?
spiders, snakes and sperms go to heaven?
it’s quite expected that they’re not resurrected
‘cause man created god

if man created Zeus, and the god of The Sun
if man created Shiva, and the god of Abraham
from all of life, why should the only one saved
be the species worst behaved?

well, that’s because
that same species, Homo sapiens
carries the chutzpah gene
to think they are the purpose of the universe
when they only just arrived on the scene

what’s even worse, they bear a curse
of believing they’re the only form of life
to never die, and go on living
somewhere high up in the sky

so why don’t whales go to heaven?
and snails go to heaven?
orang-utans and quail go to heaven?
they don’t think twice about paradise
because man created god

* chutzpah - audácia, impertinência, alguém que sem qualquer vergonha passou as marcas do comportamento aceitável

Mas que lógica tão chutzpah a dessa gente! ;)

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A origem da vida não é consensual. A evolução dos seres vivos não é consensual. A teoria de Lamarck, a teoria de Darwin, e outras, propuseram a transformação dos seres vivos ao longo do tempo.

Mas o evolucionismo e o darwinismo não explicam de forma satisfatória a complexidade dos seres vivos. A biologia molecular e a biologia celular revelam mecanismos cuja origem os darwinistas nem se atrevem a tentar explicar.

Este blog trata da Teoria do Design Inteligente, Darwinismo e Teoria da Evolução